There isn’t a specific “DMCA Make Page policy” for AdSense. However, Google AdSense has strict policies against copyright infringement. This applies to both the content you publish on SpinGames.In and any content linked to from your site.

Here’s a breakdown of what you need to know:

DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act): This is a U.S. law that protects copyright holders and sets guidelines for online platforms like AdSense in handling copyright infringement claims.
AdSense Policy: AdSense prohibits displaying ads on websites with content that infringes copyright. This includes:
Text, images, music, videos, or software you don’t own the rights to.
Links to websites that distribute copyrighted material without permission.
Here’s what you can do to ensure your AdSense eligibility:

Review your content: Make sure all content on SpinGames.In, including text, images, and videos, is either your original creation or you have permission from the copyright holder to use it.
Check your links: Avoid linking to websites known for distributing copyrighted content like pirated games or movies.
Familiarize yourself with AdSense policies: Review Google’s AdSense program policies, specifically the section on copyright (
Additional Resources:

Report copyright infringement on AdSense: If you receive a DMCA claim, you can find information on how to respond through AdSense here:
For SpinGames.In:

It’s great that your content focuses on “New & Gaming.” Ensure the games you cover don’t involve copyrighted material you don’t have permission to use (like walkthroughs for pirated games).
If you use reviews, previews, or screenshots of copyrighted games, make sure it falls under fair use or you have permission from the copyright holder.
By following these guidelines, you can help ensure your website complies with AdSense policies and avoid any potential issues related to copyright infringement.
